Louis Vuitton Bags Handbags Replica AAA+ Designer Weave Calfskin Cowhide
$118.00 $175.00
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Cowhide version p170
LV high version bella small bucket handbag series uses Monogram engraved and perforated calfskin to create a compact configuration, and then makes the same pattern live in a round coin purse with pocket proportions, full of modern style. Braided metal and leather handles and a detachable leather shoulder strap allow for a variety of carrying options. Size 22 19cm
LV high version bella small bucket handbag series uses Monogram engraved and perforated calfskin to create a compact configuration, and then makes the same pattern live in a round coin purse with pocket proportions, full of modern style. Braided metal and leather handles and a detachable leather shoulder strap allow for a variety of carrying options. Size 22 19cm
Brands: Louis Vuitton